The feedings!
Well hello to everyone! I trust that everyone is having a lovely day! Yesterday we had a very long, but rewarding day. It was the first part of our feeding. (We finish it up next Wednesday) Paco, Michael, Rachel and Mark all went to the Spanish Corps with the Captains and handing out the big boxes of food to about 100 people. Erika and I volunteered to go babysit the 5 kids at home so both Eric and Adriana could be at the feeding. We heard some interesting stories about the feeding. People will do anything to get some food. We also learned that people can be loving, compassionate and generous. Captain Adriana was in charge of the line, she was able to talk to the families. One lady, must have had a lot of problems and a man had overheard. The man shook Captain Adriana's hand and there was 20 eruo in it. He said she deserved this because of the work she was doing. She then decided to give it to the lady she was talking to. It's amazing to see how God works. Erika and I were able to go to the end of the feeding and after that we headed to the homeless feeding in downtown. Im not going to lie, this is a little out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to try and talk to more homeless people then I had did the previous time. The first man we talked to was from Africa, he was Muslim and had been out of work for 3 weeks. We prayed for him as a team. Then we broke off in little groups and I met a group of guys that was not too far from the first guy. I started talking to one of them and it turns out that he was in prison for 30 years for murdering someone. We had given him a little flyer about God and he had asked me some questions. I told him that he needed to ask for forgiveness for what he had done, I think he understood what I meant. Erika was translating everything for me. The next guy we met was Jose. He was once a famous singer in Spain. He spoke many languages and he sang a song to me! His wife died about a month ago due to cancer, but we invited him to church and he said he would love to go, so I really hope to see him there! He was really friendly. The last guy I talked to, we had a really long conversation with. He told me about this big tree in Canada, and he sang a song to me in Italian. Before we knew it, it was midnight and it was time for us to go home. I was really glad that God gave me the stregthen to step out of my comfort zone, I am actually excited for next Wenesday to go to the feeding and see all the friends that I have met. Today we got all the materials for our upcoming VBS. Our theme is Creation Exploration and each day is going to focus on the beginnings of what God created. We bought all the craft materials, and decorations for the corps. We are hoping to have about 50 kids from ages 5-12 which is really exciting. Everything about the island is so beautiful. We are so blessed to be here and to experience all the things that we encounter. God is so good.
Hi Becky! Wow, what an exciting post! Can I print this in Young Salvationist magazine? I have been looking for a good blog from a mission trip, and yours is just right. May I use it?
Is this Becky White, by the way?I'm assuming so.
Amy Reardon
Amy, At
7/06/2009 8:28 AM
Good job stepping out of your comfort zone, Becky.
May God continue to bless the efforts of you and your team. :]
Andrew Fries, At
7/06/2009 9:57 AM
ya of course Amy!
Becky, At
7/06/2009 11:16 PM
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