Another day in Spain
We are meeting more and more people from the island that makes us really excited. We are having a great time. Funny story, a few days ago we were at the Captains house for lunch and then I had to go to the bathroom. There bathroom is really hard to unlock so I told Rachel if I couldn't get out I would bang on the door. However, there is a door in the hallway and someone closed it while i was in the bathroom which made them not be able to hear me. I was screaming in the bathroom HELP!! and banging on the door and no one came. So then I sat down on the bathroom floor and started to freak out, but God provided a window for me to jump out of. So i decided to open the tiny window that's in the bathroom and fall about 8 feet to get out. Anyway, yesterday was the big youth event Creaction, it was great to see so many kids together hanging out in a safe environment. We talked to a few kids, but after we took two kids out to dinner and that was a great time to fellowship. Today we were waiting at the bus stop to go to church and a lady started talking to Paco. She asked us why we were here, and we told her and she was so happy, she gave us all a huge hug, it was amazing. She contiued to talk to Paco and she had to wooden crosses in her hand and she kept kissing them. Even though I didnt know a lot of what they were saying I knew she loved the lord which made me happy. We invitied her to church, but she lived to far away. So we plan to meet again and maybe make her dinner. Tonight was the spanish service and we were able to bring one homeless man, Guillermo. He has been homeless for 6 years and has five kids. Last night he got beat up and a lot of his stuff got stolen. He took a shower and we gave him some new clothes. Erika, Rachel and I cleaned the bathroom up after him and I must say that has probably been one of the hardest things we have done since we have been here, there was blood everywhere. He attended the service so hopefully he will return again. It was great to see all the spanish people worshiping. Some got down on there knees and just praised God. It was just so amazing to see everyone just loving God. Mark shared his testimony and did really well. Tomorrow is the English service and I am going to share my testimony. I am a little nervous, but I know that it will be Gods words not mine. I am so thankful that I am here, thank you for everyone who is praying and supporting me. I love you!
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