You don't even want to know:
I know what you all are thinking...USA team has an advantage of getting internet and hasn't posted much of anything yet...well no need to Hawaii is here alive and well =)
Our host Lts.Craig and Anney are SO AWESOME & SWEET!! They are the best! cutest couple too! They are so helpful and fun to be with!
I love Hawaii! I'm in AWE!! The beautiful green-ness, flowers, and the RAIN!! Hawaii makes me pause and just think of God and all His splendor! Truly amazing!
This pass week was ALL prepartion for the next weeks to come. We helped by putting finshing touches on VBS: 'Stay Tuned' its a TV show theme for VBS were we will be splittng up the kiddies into TV show groups ( Disney, Cartoon network..etc) We will have the moring beaking...and the evening news! The kiddies will partcipate in the Emmy awards and we will also be workng with another group of young adults as well from the Kroc. The team and I are so excited about VBS it's going to be FUN for the kiddies! We also planned our week long Day Camp! 'Let's eat Jesus fruit!' this will be all about the fruits of the spirit! The team is really good with ideas, crafts, songs, and just planning in general! The team and I are SO excited about the weeks ahead and what God has in store for us.
Auntie Donna, she works at the Hilo Temple Corps in Social Services. She is SO AMAZING! I love her SO much! She was so excited to meet us and asked us all sorta questions about the mainland,our lives, anything in between. She really shows the passion and LOVE for God, which is something that touches my SOUL in many ways that it always overwhlems me when I see her =) She is really eager to teach the team and I a hula dance to "I'm in His hands", which us girls were SO excited for, but the guys just looked at each other. They get to do sign language while us girls learn the art of hula dancing! We're all excited. I thought is was ironic that she wanted to teach us "'m in His hands" because that song touches my heart and it was the song I was singing on the plane in my head on the way here to Hawaii! ahh God is really listening to my prayers and my heart. He knows what's best for ME!
Prayer Request:: Last night Lts. Criag and Anney got a phone call from the hosptial, it was about Auntie Donna, she has a heart complication and will sugery some time in the next few days! If all the teams can pray for her it will be GREATLY apperciated. Thanks
"We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending love letters to the world"--Mother Teresa
We are praying for you ALL!! LOVE you all SO much and MISS you too =)
until nxt time
Bee && Team USA Hawaii
Our host Lts.Craig and Anney are SO AWESOME & SWEET!! They are the best! cutest couple too! They are so helpful and fun to be with!
I love Hawaii! I'm in AWE!! The beautiful green-ness, flowers, and the RAIN!! Hawaii makes me pause and just think of God and all His splendor! Truly amazing!
This pass week was ALL prepartion for the next weeks to come. We helped by putting finshing touches on VBS: 'Stay Tuned' its a TV show theme for VBS were we will be splittng up the kiddies into TV show groups ( Disney, Cartoon network..etc) We will have the moring beaking...and the evening news! The kiddies will partcipate in the Emmy awards and we will also be workng with another group of young adults as well from the Kroc. The team and I are so excited about VBS it's going to be FUN for the kiddies! We also planned our week long Day Camp! 'Let's eat Jesus fruit!' this will be all about the fruits of the spirit! The team is really good with ideas, crafts, songs, and just planning in general! The team and I are SO excited about the weeks ahead and what God has in store for us.
Auntie Donna, she works at the Hilo Temple Corps in Social Services. She is SO AMAZING! I love her SO much! She was so excited to meet us and asked us all sorta questions about the mainland,our lives, anything in between. She really shows the passion and LOVE for God, which is something that touches my SOUL in many ways that it always overwhlems me when I see her =) She is really eager to teach the team and I a hula dance to "I'm in His hands", which us girls were SO excited for, but the guys just looked at each other. They get to do sign language while us girls learn the art of hula dancing! We're all excited. I thought is was ironic that she wanted to teach us "'m in His hands" because that song touches my heart and it was the song I was singing on the plane in my head on the way here to Hawaii! ahh God is really listening to my prayers and my heart. He knows what's best for ME!
Prayer Request:: Last night Lts. Criag and Anney got a phone call from the hosptial, it was about Auntie Donna, she has a heart complication and will sugery some time in the next few days! If all the teams can pray for her it will be GREATLY apperciated. Thanks
"We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending love letters to the world"--Mother Teresa
We are praying for you ALL!! LOVE you all SO much and MISS you too =)
until nxt time
Bee && Team USA Hawaii
TELL AUNTIE DONNA I SAID HI!! and everbody else too. rozzy, lianne, mel, flo, dio, sonny...
Dani, At
6/20/2009 9:59 PM
oh geez i read your blog AFTER i posted my first comment. let auntie know that we are praying for her, and that i love and miss her very very much.
hope everything is going well!
Dani, At
6/20/2009 10:02 PM
tell auntie i say hello too! although she may not remember me. anyway...we'll be praying for her and yer team. oh and hug anney for me too! why did i not see them at commissioning :o/
any more adventures with food?
rrStyle, At
6/22/2009 7:53 PM
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