South Africa!
"If this keeps up, I'm probably going to get sick and die."
Ha! That's the quote I woke up to this morning.
Although that sounds grim, South Africa is fantastic and has blown away all of the expectations I wasn't suppose to have. Completely and in the best way possible.
How does hip hop dancing in the name of the Lord sound to you guys? If it doesn't sound good then do not come to the Mission House in Joburg. The young adults of the Salvation Army here are finding ways to connect to the youth of South Africa through clean hip hop music and nearly professional level choreographed dance routines.
It is amazing!
So guess what Team South Africa was doing for most of the day yesterday? That's right! Bustin' a move in God's honor! Ha! It was so cool. And today we had a welcoming meeting at THQ (Territorial Headquarters in South Africa) where not only did Vasti, Rachel, and Matthew totally impress everyone with a testimony and the message, but with the help of the Mission Team we got all the Majors and Chief and Coronals on their feet participating in the dance that we learned. Talk about a miracle. ;)
But in all seriousness, glory to God. Personally, I did not feel like we were prepared when we walked in but God really worked through us and showed me once again that I'm a fool and I should just keep my negative thoughts to myself. ;) It was fantastic and I can't wait for my first opportunity to speak tomorrow at a youth gathering in Soweto. Please pray that the Lord really works though me because public speaking is my biggest fear.
Anyway, I'm glad all the teams finally made it to their destinations! We're praying that Stephany finds her pants and that the British people above Team Spain quites down! May God bless all the teams and their efforts. And I wish I had an encouraging verse to share but I don't so just know that if you all keep your focus on doing the Lord's will and you keep a humble attitude, things will work out!
I'm up way too late and I don't want to get sick so I'm going to bed! Goodnight!
Ha! That's the quote I woke up to this morning.
Although that sounds grim, South Africa is fantastic and has blown away all of the expectations I wasn't suppose to have. Completely and in the best way possible.
How does hip hop dancing in the name of the Lord sound to you guys? If it doesn't sound good then do not come to the Mission House in Joburg. The young adults of the Salvation Army here are finding ways to connect to the youth of South Africa through clean hip hop music and nearly professional level choreographed dance routines.
It is amazing!
So guess what Team South Africa was doing for most of the day yesterday? That's right! Bustin' a move in God's honor! Ha! It was so cool. And today we had a welcoming meeting at THQ (Territorial Headquarters in South Africa) where not only did Vasti, Rachel, and Matthew totally impress everyone with a testimony and the message, but with the help of the Mission Team we got all the Majors and Chief and Coronals on their feet participating in the dance that we learned. Talk about a miracle. ;)
But in all seriousness, glory to God. Personally, I did not feel like we were prepared when we walked in but God really worked through us and showed me once again that I'm a fool and I should just keep my negative thoughts to myself. ;) It was fantastic and I can't wait for my first opportunity to speak tomorrow at a youth gathering in Soweto. Please pray that the Lord really works though me because public speaking is my biggest fear.
Anyway, I'm glad all the teams finally made it to their destinations! We're praying that Stephany finds her pants and that the British people above Team Spain quites down! May God bless all the teams and their efforts. And I wish I had an encouraging verse to share but I don't so just know that if you all keep your focus on doing the Lord's will and you keep a humble attitude, things will work out!
I'm up way too late and I don't want to get sick so I'm going to bed! Goodnight!
And when I wrote "Coronals" I guess I really meant "Colonels". What a ridiculous word. ;)
Andrew Fries, At
6/18/2009 3:24 PM
awesome! post pictures soon :) we'll do the same when we find some faster internet :) :)
-rachel, signed in as becky because it takes too much internet power to log out and sign back in haha
Becky, At
6/19/2009 7:15 AM
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