Hello everyone! Yesterday we cleaned the entire English corps out! It was a big task, but somehow our team still had fun doing it. We disinfected all the toys, organized all the office supplies, and even sorted little beads which took forever, but we did it and danced to music the whole time. We even found 5 huge cockroaches which make me scream but mark just stepped on them and picked them up with his bare hands and threw them away...gross! Then we had a meeting with the city youth center, we are going to be volunteering on Friday for this big youth event called Creaction. I am so excited for this event. Its gives us a chance to meet with the local youth and I hope that there is no language barrier and I will still be able to speak to kids about Christ. Today in Spain is a holiday called Fiesta! It started last night at the beach there were a bunch of families sitting together with candels out everywhere. Paco asked what the holiday was for, and many said it was a magical night, they write a wish on a piece of paper and put it in the fire at midnight and then run into the water where they pray to St. John. The boys stayed down to see all of this happen but us girls went up in our room and packed and just chatted like we normally do. We are moving today into our apartment. We have no idea what its going to be like and we dont know if we will have internet, so this might be our last blog for a while. We miss everyone and we hope you are all doing well. We pray for you all the time. As for everyone at hope, thanks for sending us all the comments on facebook, and all the emails, it really lifts our spirits, we love hearing from you!
Mark 10:45
Mark 10:45
everyone at home* haha don't worry, i've got your back becks!
rachelqueen, At
6/24/2009 12:06 PM
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rachelqueen, At
6/24/2009 12:06 PM
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